
This page presents the research portfolio of the APC group (uncategorized)

  1. Influence of Catalysts on the Electronic Properties of Gallium Nitride Nanomaterials. Tobias Haposan, Joko Suwardy, Liliana Tjahjana, Umar Saleem, Francesco Maddalena,Caozheng Diao, Chi Sin Tang, Xinmao Yin, Mark B. H. Breese, Hong Wang, Muhammad Danang Birowosuto, Andrivo Rusydi and Arramel. Applied Surface Science, 686, 162111 (2025).

  2. Dendritic fibrous Nano Silica Titania for High Performance Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. Riki Subagyo, Garcelina Rizky Anindika, Diana Inas Utami, Wahid Shiddiq Sarifuddin, Lei Zhang, Stella Jovita, Khawiyatur Riv’ah Agustina, Nurul Asikin Mijan, Yulfi Zetra, Hasliza Bahruji, Dadan Suhendar, Fidya Azahro Nur Mawaddah, Didik Prasetyoko, Satria Zulkarnaen Bisri, Arramel, Yuly Kusumawati. ACS Applied Energy Materials (2025).

  3. Molecular Modification of A–π–D–π–A-Type Small-Molecule Donors for High-Performance Photovoltaics. Yuzhi Hu, Qi Zhang, Arramel Arramel, Yuehao Yuan, Shanshan Chen, Yujie Zheng, Kuan Sun. Wiley Online Library RRL Solar (2025)

  4. Synergistic effects of heteroatom engineering in N-doped TiO2 films probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Diana Vanda Wellia, Feri Ardiansyah, Alice Lim, Syukri Arief, Riki Subagyo, Atthar Luqman Ivansyah, Xiongfang Liu, Sri Hartati, Afif Akmal Afkauni, Lei Zhang, Chi Sin Tang, Xinmao Yin, Caozheng Diao, Mark B. H. Breese, Arramel, Yuly Kusumawati. accapted in Surfaces and Interfaces (2025).

  5. Unveiling the electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction mechanism in heteroatom-decorated-Mo2CS2-MXene: The synergistic effect of single-atom Fe and heteroatom. Neng Li, Bin Liu, Zhongyong Zhang, Yucheng Feng, Zheng Wang, Arramel, Xing Zhou and Xin Li. Materials Horizons (2025)

  6. Research advancement in phosphogypsum crystal modifiers. Yi-lin Li, Sheng-long Li, Ruo-qing Zhang, Ji-zhou Jiang, Kun Xiang, Arramel, Jing Zou. Central South University 31, 4098–4119 (2024).

  7. The incorporation of CsCu2I3 Nanocrystals into PDMS Matrix for X- and γ-ray Scintillators. Tobias Haposan, Michal Makowski, Dominik Kowal, Lina Jaya Diguna, Marcin Eugeniusz Witkowski, Somnath Mahato, Winicjusz Drozdowski, Arramel, Muhammad Danang Birowosuto. Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters (2024).

  8. Elevating the photodecolorization efficiency for synthetic and actual colored wastewater through the integration of chitosan and zinc oxide layers on a fiberglass flat sheets.Riki Subagyo, Saepurahman Saepurahman, Elfirza Zain, Sri Hartati, Lei Zhang, Kiki Adi Kurnia, Arramel Arramel, Ratna Ediati, Syafsir Akhlus, Yuly Kusumawati. Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 10, 100875 (2024)

  9. Effective Remediation Strategy for Acidic Wastewater: Integrating Ozone Nanobubbles with Sustainables Adsorption Techniques. Ande Fudja Rafryanto, Eka, Dicky Andro Charlie, Lina Jaya Diguna, Zhang Lei, Riska Rachmantyo, Arie Wibowo, Nurul Taufiqu Rochman, Alfian Noviyanto, Arramel. ACS Sustainability. Resources Management 1, 12, 2511-2629 (2024).

  10. A review of updated res phosphorus-based photocatalysts. Yanghanbin Zhang, Wei Sun, Jiahe Peng, Weilong Shi, Zhiliang Jin, Enzhou Liu, Arramel, Jizhio JIang. Composite Materials (2024)

  11. Unveiling the Glass-Forming Ability of MOF Glass: A High-Throughout Simulation and Data Mining. Zuhao Shi, Bin Liu, Hao Wang, Yuanzheng Yue, Arramel, Neng Li. The American Ceramic Society (2024)

  12. Effective Remediation Strategy for Acidic Wastewater: Integrating Ozone Nanobubbles with Sustainables Adsorption Techniques. Ande Fudja Rafryanto, Eka, Dicky Andro Charlie, Lina Jaya Diguna, Zhang Lei, Riska Rachmantyo, Arie Wibowo, Nurul Taufiqu Rochman, Alfian Noviyanto, Arramel. Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 10, 100875 (2024).

  13. Cation Engineering of Cu-Doped CsPbI₃: Lead Substitution and Dimensional Reduction for Improved Scintillation Performance. David Hadid Sidiq, Somnath Mahato, Tobias Haposan, Michal Makowski, Dominik Kowal, Marcin Eugeniusz Witkowski, Winicjusz Drozdowski, Arramel, and Muhammad Danang Birowosuto. J. Phys. Chem. C. 128, 47, 19945-20524. (2024)

  14. Recent Progress of Imaging Chemical Bonds by Scanning Probe Microscopy: A Review. Dingguan Wang, Tobias Haposan, Jinwei Fan, Arramel and Andrew T. S. Wee. ACS Nano 18, 45 30911-31596 (2024)

  15. Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Telur Ayam Sebagai Adsorben Zat Warna Methyl Blue Dalam Larutan. Eka, Dicky Andro, Angger Andrawan,Usi Susila, Fahmi Al Ahyar,Ande Fudja Rafryanto, Andi Wahyu Indrayana, Arramel. INNOVATIVE: Social Science Research, 4, 3060-3069 (2024).

  16. Novel Approach to the Synthesis of Silica Gel: Sequential Mechanical Activation and Sol-Gel Methods from Fly Ash Derived from Coal. Ande Fudja Rafryanto, Azra Liyana Batrisya, Dicky Andro Charlie, and Arramel. Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 13, 1, 23-32 (2024).

  17. Fabrication of black TiO2 through microwave heating for visible light-driven photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine 6G. Riska Rachmantyo, Afif Akmal Afkauni, Ricky Reinaldo, Lei Zhang, Arramel Arramel, Muhammad Danang Birowosuto, Arie Wibowo, Hermawan Judawisastra. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 9, 3003-3015 (2024).

  18. Piezo-enhanced photocatalysis of MoS2/Bi4O5Br2/PVDF-HFP film for wastewater purification. Tingting Yu, Huilin Guo, Jiahe Yu, Chenyu Yang, Arramel, Jizhou Jiang. Alloys and Compounds, 997, 174938 (2024).

  19. Revolutionizing Construction: Harnessing Phosphorus Tailings for Lightweight, High-Strength Walls Materials. Haiyang Wang, Hao Zhang, Hong Cao, Jun Xue, Arramel, Jing Zou, Jizhou Jiang. Crystal Research and Technology: 59 (2024)

  20. Preparation, Characterization, and Toxicity Study of Andrographis paniculata Ethanol Extract Poly-Lactic-CO-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) Nanoparticle in Raw 264.7 Cells. Dhadhang Wahyu Kurniawan, Nur Signa Aini Gumila, Arramel, Sri Hartati, Dody Novrial, Tarwadi. International Applied Pharmaceutics, 6, 78-83 (2024).

  21. Fabrication of a novel Z-S-scheme photocatalytic fuel cell with the Z-scheme TiO2/GO/g-C3N4 photoanode and S-scheme BiOAc1-xBrx/BiOBr photocathode for TC degradation. Tingting Yu, Bing Yang, Rong Zhang, Chenyu Yang, Arramel, Jizhou Jiang. Material Science and Technology, 188, 11-26 (2024).

  22. Modification of sugarcane bagasse with CTAB and ZnO for methyl orange and methylene blue removal. Riki Subagyo, Achmad R. Diakana, Garcelina R. Anindika, Sri Hartati, Lei Zhang, Arramel, Syafsir Akhlus, Hendro Juwono, Yuly Kusumawati. ACS Omega, 23, 25251–25264 (2024).

  23. Unveiling the Influence of Organic Chain Length on the Physical Properties of 2D Cobalt-based Hybrid Perovskites. Afif Akmal Afkauni, Tobias Haposan, Bagas Haqi Arrosyid, Sri Hartati, Resti Marlina, Abdulloh Rifai, Rossyaila Matsna Muslimawati, Akmal Zulfi, Dominik Kowal, Muhammad Haris Mahyuddin, Brian Yuliarto,Dominik Kowal, Resti Marlina, Akmal Zulfi, Djulia Onggo, Muhammad Danang Birowosuto, Jizhou Jiang, and Arramel. J. Phys. Chem. C, 128, 7572-7582 (2024).

  24. Charge Transfer Interfaces Across Black Phosphorus/Co, N Co-Doped Carbon Heterojunction for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Water Splitting. J. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. Wu, H. Wang, Arramel, Y. Zou, J. Zou, and H. Wang. Materials Science & Technology, 178, 171-178 (2024).

  25. Mechanochemical synthesis of luminescent caesium copper iodide perovskite. T. Haposan, P. Y. D. Maulida, S. Hartati, W. Chairunisa, Arramel, M. D. Birowosuto, L. J. Diguna. Materials Today: Proceedings (2024).

  26. Elucidating the Vibration Modes of Two-dimensional Hybrid Copper Halide Perovskite Crystals by FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy. K. Zulfa, B. Zahara, A. A. Afkauni, P. Y. D. Maulida, S. Hartati, I. Mulyani, A. Yudhowijoyo, L. J. Diguna, M. H. Mahyuddin, D. Onggo, M. D. Birowosuto, Arramel. Materials Today Proceedings (2024).

  27. The effect of organic ligand length on structural, vibrational and electrical properties of low-dimensional cobalt hybrid perovskites. A. A. Afkauni, P. Y. D. Maulida, S. Hartati, I. Mulyani, R. M. Muslimawati, A. Rifai, A. Zulfi, A. Yudhowijoyo, L. J. Diguna, D. Onggo, M. H. Mahyuddin, M. D. Birowosuto, Arramel. Materials Today Proceedings (2024).

  28. Tailoring CuNi heteronuclear diatomic catalysts: precision in structural design for exceptionally selective CO2 photoreduction to ethanol. Entian Cui, Yulian Lu, Jizhou Jiang, Arramel, Dingsheng Wang, and Tianyou Zhai. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 59, 126-136 (2024).

  29. A Review of Updated S-Scheme Heterojunction Photocatalysts. F. Li, G. Zhu, J. Jiang, L. Yang, F. Deng, Arramel, and X. Li. Materials Science & Technology, 177,142-180 (2024).

  30. S-Doping of the N-Sites of g-C3N4 to Enhance Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Activity. H. Wang, L. Yu, J. Jiang, Arramel, and J. Zou. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 40, 2305047 (2024).

  31. Vibrational mode of low-dimensional ionic liquid bismuth hybrid perovskite probed by FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy. S. Hartati, B. Zahara, P. Y. D. Maulida, K. Zulfa, A. A. Afkauni, R. Subagyo, L. J. Diguna, A. Yudhowijoyo, M. H. Mahyuddin, M. D. Birowasuto, Y. Kusumawati, Arramel. Materials Today Proceedings (2024).

  32. High Recovery of Ceramic Membrane Cleaning Remediation by Ozone Nano Bubbles Technology. A. F. Rafryanto, Z. Puspa Dwi M., S. Nuraini., Bagas H A., A. Zulfi, N. T. Rochman, A. Noviyanto, Arramel. ACS Omega, 9, 11484-11493 (2024).

  33. Unraveling Medium-Range Order and Melting Mechanism of ZIF-4 under High Temperature. Zuhao Shi, Bin Liu, Yuanzheng Yue, Arramel, Neng L. the American Ceramic Society, 107, 3845-3856 (2024).

  34. Recent Developments in Low-dimensional Heterostructures of Halide Perovskites and Metal Chalcogenides as Emergent Materials: Fundamental, Implementation and Outlook. P. Y. D. Maulida, S. Hartati, Y. Firdaus, A. T. Hidayat, L. J. Diguna, D. Kowal, A. Bruno, D. Cortecchia, Arramel, M. D. Birowosuto. Accepted in Chem. Phys. Rev. 5, 01103 . Selected as a Featured Article (2024).

  35. The Nanoplasmonic Purcell Effect in Ultrafast and High-Light-Yield Perovskite Scintillators. Wenzheng Ye, Zhihua Yong, Michael Go, Dominik Kowal, Francesco Maddalena, Liliana Tjahjana, Wang Hong, Arramel, Christophe Dujardin, Muhammad Danang Birowosuto, Liang Jie Wong. Adv. Mater. 36, 2309410 (2024).

  36. CoP Decorated on Ti3C2Tx MXene Nanocomposites as Robust Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. W. Sun, Y. Wang, K. Xiang, S. Bai, H. Wang, J. Zou, Arramel, and J. Jiang. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 40, 2308015 (2024).

  37. Working Mechanism of MXene as the Anode Protection Layer of Aqueous Zinc-ion Batteries. H. Luo, J. Jiang, Arramel, M. Li, K. Sun, and Y. Zheng Colloid and Interface Science 654, 289-299 (2024).

  38. All-inorganic copper-halide perovskites for large-Stokes shift and ten-nanosecond-emission scintillators. Tobias Haposan, Arramel, Pramitha Yuniar Diah Maulida, Sri Hartati, Afif Akmal Afkauni, Muhammad Haris Mahyuddin, Lei Zhang, Dominik Kowal, Marcin Eugeniusz Witkowski, Konrad Jacek Drozdowski, Michal Makowski, Winicjusz Drozdowski, Lina Jaya Diguna, and Muhammad Danang Birowosuto. J. Mater. Chem. C 12, 2398-2409 (2024).

  39. Fabrication and Characterization of rGO-SnO2 Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Sensor of Ciprofloxacin. P. K. Jiwanti, D. K. A. Sukardi, A. P. Sari, M. Tomisaki, S. Wafiroh, S. Hartati, Arramel, Y. H. Wong, P. M. Woi, J. C. Juan. Sensor Internationals, 5, 100276 (2024).

  40. Tuning the Work Function of MXene via Surface Functionalization. S. W. Koh, L. Rekhi, Arramel, F. Le Goualher, M. D. Birowosuto, Q. T. Trinh, J. Ge, W. Yu, A. T. S. Wee, H. Xie, Z. Liu, P. Coquet, T. S. Choksi, and H. Li. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 49, 66826–66836

  41. MXenes/carbon nanotubes hybrids: Fabrications, mechanisms and modification strategies for energy and environmental applications. J. Jiang, F. Li, L. Ding, C. Zhang, Arramel, and X. Li. Nano Research (2023).

  42. Interfacial Interactions of Doped-Ti3C2 MXene/MAPbI3 Heterostructures: Surfaces and Theoretical Approach. M. A. K. Purbayanto, Arramel, S. W. Koh, F. Maddalena, D. Moszczynska, J. Manopo, Y. Darma, D. Kowal, H. Li, M. D. Birowosuto, and A. M. Jastrzębska. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 33081-33093 (2023).

  43. Spectroscopic Evidence of Localized Small Polarons in Low-Dimensional Ionic Liquid Lead-Free Hybrid Perovskites. R. Subagyo, P. Y. D. Maulida, D. Kowal, S. Hartati, R. M. Muslimawati, Y. Zetra, L. J. Diguna, S. Akhlus, M. H. Mahyuddin, L. Zhang, C. S. Tang, C. Diao, A. T. S. Wee, M. D. Birowosuto, Arramel, A. Rusydi, and Y. Kusumawati. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 15, 54677-54691 (2023).

  44. Recent Advances of Modification Effect in Co3O4-Based Catalyst Towards Highly Efficient Photocatalysis. R. Subagyo, A. Yudhowijoyo, N. A. Sholeha, S. S. Hutagalung, D. Prasetyoko, M. D. Birowosuto, Arramel, J. Jiang, and Y. Kusumawati. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 650, 1550-1590 (2023).

  45. Anomalous Temperature-Induced Particle Size Reduction in Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles. A. Noviyanto, R. Amalia, P. Y. D. Maulida, M. Dioktyanto, B. H. Arrosyid, D. Aryanto, L. Zhang, A. T. S. Wee, and Arramel. ACS Omega, 8, 45152-45162 (2023).

  46. Constructing Dual Electron Transfer Channels to Accelerate CO2 Photoreduction Guided by Machine Learning and First-Principles Calculation. L. Wang, T. Yang, B. Feng, X. Xu, Y. Shen, Z. Li, Arramel, and J. Jiang. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 54, 265-277 (2023).

  47. Influence of Organic Cations on the Structures of Layered Lead Bromide Perovskites. P. Y. D. Maulida, S. Hartati, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, M. H. Mahyuddin, A. Noviyanto, M. D. Birowosuto, Arramel, and N. T. Rochman. AIP Proceedings for the 4th MRS-id Meeting Malang (2023).

  48. High-Yield Green Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles from Oyster Shells Towards Promising Application for Dye Wastewater Removal. H. Hakim, B. H. Arrosyid, S. Hartati, P. Y. D. Maulida, J. Suwardy, R. Marlina, Arramel, A. Noviyanto, and N. T. Rochman. Accepted in AIP Proceedings for the 4th MRS-id Meeting Malang (2023).

  49. Tuning the Electronic Properties of 2D Lead-Free Hybrid Perovskites. Arramel, M. H. Mahyuddin, L. J. Diguna, I. Mulyani, S. Hartati, P. Y. D. Maulida, H. Ibrahim, D. Onggo, C. S. Tang, X. Yin, C. Diao, M. D. Birowosuto, A. T. S. Wee, A. Rusydi, A. Noviyanto, and N. T. Rochman. Accepted in AIP Proceedings for the 4th MRS-id Meeting Malang (2023).

  50. Recent Progress and Rational Design of Perovskite-Based Chemosensors: A Review. P. Y. D. Maulida, R. Subagyo, S. Hartati, S. Jovita, L. L. Zulfa, H. Hakim, M. D. Birowosuto, Y. Kusumawati, and Arramel. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 962, 170996 (2023).

  51. Black Phosphorus Nanosheets-Based Effective Electrochemical Sensor for Uric Acid Detection. H. Wang, H. Wang, J. Yang, P. Y. D. Maulida, J. Zou, Arramel, C. Wu, and J. Jiang. Carbon Letters, 33, 2161-2169 (2023).

  52. Unveiling the Strong Coulomb Interaction Effect on Electronic Structures and Mechanical Properties of C4AF. J. Shuai, J. Wan, X. Zhi, J. Ye, C. Li, P. Y. D. Maulida, Arramel, W. Chen, F. Wang, and N. Li. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106, 7641-7653 (2023).

  53. Vibrational and Structural Properties of Two-Dimensional Tin Mixed-Halide Perovskites. S. Hartati, P. Y. D. Maulida, T. Zakly, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, M. H. Mahyuddin, A. Noviyanto, Arramel, and N. T. Rochman. Nano Hybrids and Composites, 40, 1-6 (2023).

  54. Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) Thickness on ZnO Nanorods-Based Photoelectrochemical Cell. N. Mufti, F. Ansar, E. Latifah, M. Dioktyanto, A. S. P. Dewi, M. T. H. Abadi, E. T. Sari, B. H. Arrosyid, A. Noviyanto, and Arramel. Key Engineering Materials, 950, 55-62 (2023).

  55. Towards High-Efficiency of Hydrogen Purification in Metal Hydride. K. A. J. Koua, J. Peng, Arramel, and N. Li. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 33, 301-308 (2023).

  56. Unveiling the Amorphization of Sodalite Topology Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks and Zeolites by Pressure and Stress. N. Li, Z. Shi, S. Zhai, N. Zhou, P. Zhang, Arramel, T. D. Bennett, and Y. Yue. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106, 6117-6129 (2023).

  57. Organic Chain Length Effect on Trap-States of Lead Halide Perovskite Scintillators. P. Y. D. Maulida, S. Hartati, D. Kowal, L. J. Diguna, M. A. K. Sheikh, M. H. Mahyuddin, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, F. Maddalena, A. Bachiri, M. E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, W. Drozdowski, Arramel, and M. D. Birowosuto. ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 6, 5912-5922 (2023).

  58. Combination of Ozone-Based Advanced Oxidation Process and Nanobubbles Generation Toward Textile Wastewater Recovery. S. S. Hutagalung, A. F. Rafryanto, W. Sun, N. Juliasih, S. Aditia, J. Jiang, Arramel, H. K. Dipojono, S. H. Suhardi, N. T. Rochman, and D. Kurniadi. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, 1154739 (2023).

  59. Developments and Challenges in Perovskite Scintillators for High-Resolution Imaging and Timing Applications. A. Wibowo, M. A. K. Sheikh, L. J. Diguna, M. B. Ananda, M. A. Marsudi, Arramel, S. Zeng, L. J. Wong, and M. D. Birowosuto. Communications Materials, 4 (2023).

  60. Unraveling the Bond Structure, Porosity, and Mechanical Properties Amorphous ZIF-4 and Its Topological Equivalents: Large Scale ab Initio Calculations. Z. Shi, S. Hartati, Arramel, and N. Li. APL Materials, 11, 021103 (2023).

  61. Unveiling the Key Intermediates in Electrocatalytic Synthesis of Urea with CO2 and N2 Coupling Reactions on Double Transition-Metal MXenes. Y. Yang, J. Peng, Z. Shi, P. Zhang, Arramel, and N. Li. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11, 6428-6439 (2023).

  62. Unveiling the Key Intermediates in Electrocatalytic Synthesis of Urea with CO2 and N2 Coupling Reactions on Double Transition-Metal MXenes. Y. Yang, J. Peng, Z. Shi, P. Zhang, Arramel, and N. Li. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11, 6428-6439 (2023).

  63. Tailoring the Electronic Acceptor-Donor Heterointerface between Black Phosphorus and Co3O4 for Boosting Oxygen Bifunctional Electrocatalysis. J. Zou, Y. Zou, H. Wang, W. Wang, P. Wu, Arramel, J. Jiang, X. Li. Chinese Chemical Letters, 34, 107378 (2023).

  64. TiO2 Nanoparticles Anchored on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets as A Highly Active Photocatalyst for Decabromodiphenyl Ether Degradation. M. Yang, Y. Zou, L. Ding, Y. Yu, J. Ma, L. Li, A. F. Rafryanto, J. Zou, Arramel, and H. Wang. Carbon Letters, 33, 1333–1341 (2023).

  65. Highly NH3 Sensitive and Selective Ti3C2O2-Based Gas Sensors: A Density Functional Theory-NEGF Study. K. Weng, J. Peng, Z. Shi, Arramel, and N. Li. ACS Omega, 8, 4261–4269 (2023).

  66. Tailoring the Optical and Electronic Properties of 2D Hybrid Dion-Jacobson Copper Chloride Perovskites. M. H. Mahyuddin, Arramel, L. J. Diguna, M. K. Agusta, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, M. Shiddiq, C. S. Tang, X. Yin, C. Diao, M. D. Birowosuto, A. T. S. Wee, and A. Rusydi. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 21297–21307 (2022)

  67. Temperature-Dependent Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties of ZrC, HfC, and Their Solid Solutions (Zr0.5Hf0.5)C. J. Jiang, Z. Shi, Arramel, J. Zhang, T. Deng, and N. Li. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106, 2024-2036 (2023).

  68. Regulating the Spin Order of Transition Metal Embedded-MXenes for Boosting Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction to Ammonia. N. Li, Z. Wang, P. Zhang, X. Li, Arramel, C. Sun, X. Zhou, and X. Zhao. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 10, 22760-22770 (2022).

  69. Recent Advances of MXenes Mo2C-Based Materials for Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. J. Wang, Q. Qin, F. Li, Y. Anjarsari, W. Sun, R. Azzahiidah, J. Zou, K. Xiang, H. Ma, J. Jiang, and Arramel. Carbon Letters, 33, 1381-1394 (2022).

  70. Unraveling Correlated Electronic States in Layered Manganese-Based Perovskites. P. Y. D. Maulida, D. Wang, F. Maddalena, C. S. Tang, X. Yin, C. Diao, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, A. Noviyanto, M. D. Birowosuto, Arramel, A. T. S. Wee, and A. Rusydi. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 15801–15808 (2022).

  71. Heterogeneous N‐Coordinated Single‐Atom Photocatalysts and Electrocatalysts. R. Shen, L. Hao, Y. H. Ng, P. Zhang, Arramel, Y. Li, and X. Li. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 43, 2453-2483 (2022).

  72. The Effect of Addition Green Inhibitor D-Galactose on Corrosion Rate of Aluminum Alloy 5052 in Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) Media. Muhajirin, I. G. A. Arwati, S. Hartati, H. Hakim, A. Noviyanto, Arramel, and T. ZaklyInternational Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering & Advanced Materials, 4, 30-37 (2022)

  73. Scintillation Properties of ((CH3)4N)3BiCl6 as A Novel Lead-Free Perovskite Halide Crystal. R. Subagyo, Arramel, L. J. Diguna, A. L. Ivansyah, M. E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, D. Kowal, W. Drozdowski, M. D. Birowosuto, and Y. Kusumawati. Materials Research Express, 9, 096202 (2022).

  74. Modulation of the Lattice Structure of 2D Carbon-Based Materials for Improving Photo/Electric Properties. F. Li, Y. Anjarsari, J. Wang, R. Azzahiidah, J. Jiang, J. Zou, K. Xiang, H. Ma, and Arramel. Carbon Letters, 33, 1321-1331 (2023).

  75. Localized Visible Wavelength Photoluminescence from GaP/InP Heterostucture Nanowires. L. Tjahjana, A. Olivier, Y. Herbani, H. Hardhienata, F. Ahmad, Arramel, D. Kowal, M. D. Birowosuto, and H. Wang. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 12113-12120 (2022).

  76. BA2XBr4 (X = Pb, Cu, Sn): From Lead to Lead-Free Halide Perovskite Scintillators. L. J. Diguna, L. Jonathan, M. H. Mahyuddin, Arramel, F. Maddalena, I. Mulyani, D. Onggo, A. Bachiri, M. E. Witkowski, M. Makowski, D. Kowal, W. Drozdowski, and M. D. Birowosuto. Material Advances, 3, 5087-5095 (2022).

  77. MBE-Grown Ultrathin PtTe2 Films and Their Layer-Dependent Electronic Structures. L. Zhang, T. Yang, Arramel, Y. P. Feng, A. T. S. Wee, and Z. Wang. Nanoscale, 14, 7650-7658 (2022).

  78. Synthesis of Electrospun PAN/TiO2/Ag Nanofibers Membrane as Potential Air Filtration Media with Photocatalytic Activity. S. Hartati, A. Zulfi, P. Y. D. Maulida, A. Yudhowijoyo, M. Dioktyanto, K. E. Saputro, A. Noviyanto, and N. T. Rochman. ACS Omega, 7, 10516–10525 (2022).

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